Autumn: Falling Leaves/Rising Resolutions!


Who decided that January 1st is a great time to start getting into shape?  What makes January so important when it comes to turning over a new leaf?  I think by the time we start sipping that champagne at midnight, it’s already too late to start setting goals for ourselves.
Autumn, on the other hand, is the PERFECT time to start creating healthy habits.  With the change of seasons comes a renewed time to rethink and restart.  Making resolutions on your health and wellness will create good habits and you’ll be looking and feeling great once the hectic holiday season arrives.  Considering school starts in the fall, let’s think of fall as the real start of a New Year!
I have put together 10 ways to "Fall"  into fitness this season so we can all be in great shape way before New Years Eve.
The Great Outdoors:
Maybe this fall didn’t get off to the best of starts, but soon enough the heat and humidity will dissipate and it will be the ideal time for outdoor workouts.  Go for a walk, hike, run, or bike ride and enjoy the gorgeous fall foliage and the crisp autumn air!
Try Something New:
Bored of spinning?  Tired of that fitness class you’ve been going to?  Now’s the time to shake things up a bit and introduce something new into your life! Ever want to learn how to box?  Maybe try circuit training or a yoga class?  This fall is the perfect opportunity to gain new skills physically – and add some spice to your workout routine, while you’re at it.
With Netflix and Hulu, there are so many good shows to binge on (OzarksSeason 2 is amazing if you haven’t seen it :) ), but the sad fact is, with all this binging, we tend to become couch potatoes. This Fall, if you’re going to spend hours watching your favorite shows, get moving while you’re doing it!  Next time you’re binge watching Game of Thrones (guilty as charged), do some sit ups, jumping jacks, push ups, or dips – I promise you’ll enjoy your shows even more.
This Fall is a perfect time to rejuvenate our minds as well as our bodies!  Treat yourself to a massage, try meditation (Headspace is an amazing meditation app), and read that bestseller you’ve been hearing so much about: taking care of our minds and spirit is just as important and taking care of our bodies. 
Don’t give up!
Rome wasn't built in a day.  Be patient.  It can take up to four weeks for our bodies to adapt to new lifestyle changes and it takes three weeks to develop a new habit.  So don't get discouraged – and don’t hit that snooze button!

Drink up!
Don’t forget to stay hydrated!  During the cooler months we tend to drink less water, but we need hydration just as much, so keep that water bottle handy.  A good rule of thumb is that we should be drinking half our body weight in ounces every day, which means, if you weigh in at 130 pounds, you need to be drinking at LEAST 65 ounces of water a day.
We all lead busy lives and don’t always have the time to hit the gym, go for a run, or attend our favorite yoga class.  But that’s OK because we can still incorporate great amounts exercise into our daily lives.   We can take the stairs instead of the elevator, increase our step count by parking farther away from our destination, talk a walk during a lunch break instead of checking out Instagram and Facebook.   Ready to open that Uber app?  Walk to that appointment instead – save some money and get healthy at the same time: win-win! 
Invest in a fitness tracker:
Fitbit could just be one of the best purchases to make this Fall because it helps us stay committed to our fall fitness regiment. When we can clearly see progress, working out becomes more fun – and motivating!
Oh my gourd!
In addition to staying active, eating healthy is also essential to staying fit.  There is nothing better than eating fruits and vegetables that are at their peak.  Some of my favorite Fall fruits and veggies are apples and cranberries, as well as cabbage, cauliflower, and don’t forget squash: these big gourds are loadedwith nutrients!
The 3 C’s
We all know them, but it’s good to remind ourselves of these cornerstones to a wonderful, healthy life:  Commitment, Convenience, and Consistency.  Adhering to these three C’s is the key to a successful fitness program. 
It’s all up to you:  you have to make the decision to get fit – so why not make that decision to stay fit by starting right now, this Fall!  I promise you will be feeling great in no time!

Let me know how you are doing. I would love to hear from you.